Reply To: Joining Chabad

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Syag Lchochma
It isn’t about hate, it is about watching people do things we know to be wrong.
I think you see yourself, how many lies were made about chabad, and that’s why I would consider it hate (sometimes).
Have you ever thought that maybe what you see at first glance may seem wrong, but if you delve in a little bit and learn the subject, it might give you some clarity? ( Like learning a shtikul Gemorah).
Just look at the statistics, it’s not only Chabad that doesn’t consider them selves ovif havoda zara, it’s also many non Lubavitchers that say the same, litvishe and chassidish, and don’t forget that a big percentage of Chabad weren’t originally lubavitch, meaning they didn’t consider your concerns true.
So maybe think again and learn more about it, you might change your mind, like your neighbors.
As yeddin we don’t try to find a fault in someone else.