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Neville ChaimBerlin

Rebitzin: RSo is Chassidishe. Cholov akum and shaving deflections are not effective on him. And, not to dignify your comment with too much of a response, but apparently not all poskim agree that heicha mincha is b’deived. Goan brought a proof ealier from the Beis Yosef I think.

Syag: With the whole “hate” discussion, I agree with you, but to be fair I seem to remember you doing the same thing when we pointed out problems with the Five Towns. And, don’t say it’s not comparable. If anything, those problems were a lot worse than our issues with Chabad. Point is it’s not a Chabad-specific deflection tactic; it just seems to be a human instinct to avoid talking about tough issues within one’s group. I avoid this human character flaw by consistently hating on everyone, including my own people.