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All Jews are “part” of Hashem, yes.
At a very low level, Hashem’s neshama connects us to Him. Human beings are so loft that the malachim wanted to say shira to Adam Harishon. Yes. All true.
We are still nivra and Hashem is still the borei. That is why it’s called elohim acheirim. There are other powers. But Hashem is above them and controls them. Malachim have powers too.
It is still assur to daven to a human being.
Hashem Himself has no guf.
Hashem alone runs the world.
Hashem is rishon and acharon.
It violates ikkarim to say Hashem has a form, so the Rebbe’s words of atzmus umahus melubash baguf are kefira.
It violates ikkarim to say someone other than Hashem runs the world, so saying “The Rebbe helps” is kefira.
It violates ikkarim to say that you can daven to anyone other than Hashem, so the Rebbe’s use of atzmus to say you can daven directly to a Rebbe are kefira.

My source is the Rebbe’s own teshuva from 1979. And the gedolim quoted who agree that it’s kefira. As people here seem to not know how to navigate threads, I will repeat them again:
Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l
Rav Menachem Mann Shach zt”l
Rav Menashe Klein zt”l (chassidish posek who clearly understands chassidus and still says yechi is apikorsus)
yblc”t Rav Aharon Feldman zt”l (if people believe the Rebbe didn’t die and thus deifying him)
yblc”t Rav Hershel Schachter shlit”a (can be heard on his lecture “segulos and superstitions”, available where his lectures usually are available)

Prior to 1979, before atzmus, the Rebbe was just another guy who claimed to be moshiach. No big deal, history is full of them, some of them (like Shlomo Molcho) remembered more fondly than others.
Yerushalayim today is as well Walk around Yerushalayim and you’ll bump into a few claimants for the same crown, all harmless. Atzmus crossed the line. So when Lubavitchers say yechi about a guy who died, saying he’s alive it sounds like deification, with backup from the Rebbe’s own writings to confirm these suspicious. When Lubavitchers say The Rebbe runs the world, it sounds like the tazmus kefira. When Lubavitchers say the items used by the Rebbe have “Elokus” (to quote the words from the “Stump the Rabbi” guy ), it sounds like deification. When The same stump the rabbi guy says the Rebbe can’t make a mistake , even though Moshe Rabbeinu made mistakes, it sounds like deification. When said Stump the Rabbi guy says “everyone believes the Rebbe is alive, just a question of do we tell outsiders”, it kind of confirms suspicions. This goes beyond tzror hachaim that everyone has so please don’t try that red herring. When there are videos of Lubavitchers bowing down to an empty chair that the Rebbe once sat in, that looks like deification. When there are videos of the Chabad LAg Baomer parade where every group performs in front of the Rebbe’s chair as if he’s alive, that looks like deification. When you hear multiple eyewitness stories about people who davened to the Rebbe direcly, it sounds like deification.
In short, everything Lubavitch in Crown Heights does looks strongly like the kefira put forth by the Rebbe. So yes, stay away.
It’s easy to accept Lubavitch when you’re an am haaretz looking for a late minyan with vodka, but the more you know, the worse it looks. Yes, chassidus crossed many theological lines that started the slippery slope. Chabad reached rock bottom of the slope with the deification. Just read the ikkarei emuna and judge for yourself.

Chabad has 2 sets of beliefs- one that they tell outsiders and one that they really believe. Atzmus teshiva is out there now for all to read. So is the basi legani maamar.

But I’m just a poste balabos. Ask your rabbonim.

Cut out the middle man- daven to Hashem directly! Have bitachon that Hashem will help as He alone runs the world. Do hiskashrus to Hashem via dveykus to His middos.
Become of Chossid of Hashem instead of giving money to some grifter “Rebbe”