Reply To: Joining Chabad

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🍫Syag Lchochma

Chossid – I am sorry to add one more post for you, I know it gets hard to catch up. I just want to say that I already said that I spoke to real people, also I am not frustrated about anything, I am just responding to posts. Lastly, I did not say there aren’t Chabadniks davening to the rebbe, there certainly are in my neighborhood, I just said that Chabad doesn’t condone it. So it isn’t a lie, it just is something bad people do in the name of Lubavitch. I mentioned many other things in that same post that aren’t okay but you kind of brushed over those. I find that happens a lot with legitimate questions.
Please go ahead and respond to the others, they are discussing sources which is much more important. But please know that I *have*done my homework and I find the answers to be worse than what I had been expecting.