Reply To: Ice cream called “big gay” certified kosher-what’s your take?

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Neville ChaimBerlin

“Do you really think most people in the food business are ignorant when it comes to kosher”

They might not think it means “blessed by a rabbi,” but do you think Philadelphia Cream Cheese realizes that other hechsherim consider them to be gavinas akum? Do you think goyish food workers realize there are certain enzymes that some hashgachos consider treif while others don’t? There are so many small things where the OU is meikel; they could just chose one of those things to be machmir on this one time as their reason. I don’t think Big Gay is going to do that in depth of research.

By the way, I’m not necessarily saying they should pull the hechsher; that’s not for me to say. But, your reasoning that they should provide hechsherim essentially on the basis of giving into terrorism is ludicrous.