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(Just sent this through but not sure it went, so resending. My apologies if applicable.)
Anyusername: “i brought the sdei chemed is to show how when a tzadik is alive hes student are supposed to believe that he is moshich (quote part of it – כתבו ג״כ תלמידי האר״י ז״ל שבימיו הי׳ האר״י ז״ל) – something which i tried saying before which you couldn’t agree with”
Everybody on this thread please read the quote above of Anyusername before going futher, because I have had more than enough of this distortion, warping, and סילוף of divrei Torah and I would like to eradicate it once and for all.
The section in question starts on volume 5 page 2984 and goes for almost page. NOWHERE, NOWHERE, NOWHERE (yes, I am shouting) does it say that “STUDENTS ARE SUPPOSED” to believe that their rebbes are Moshiach!
And to assume that the talmidei Ari z”l said that he was the Moshiach of his time because he was their rebbe is outright chutzpah! Do you really believe that Reb Chaim Vital and his colleagues zecher tzaddikim livrocho were so petty that they “rooted” for their rebbe because they happened to be his talmidim. If they claimed he was the moshiach of his day it was because they knew that he had ALL the necessary qualifications. Not fictional descent from Dovid Hamelech, not inane statements like “He was the nossi”, not ridiculous gematriyos like Beis Moshiach = 770.
You are turning the talmidei Ari z”l into a group of baseball fans R”L!
And as to the Abarbanel which you miscite (I made that word up because I think it will get a lot of usage when it comes to arguing with lubavichers): after explaining that the Mishnah davka says that שמו של משיח was created on erev Shabbos, and not Moshiach himself, as it is referring to various characteristics of Moshiach, he then cites the Gemoro in Sanhedrin 98b where the talmidim cited the names of Moshiach as similar to that of their rebbes:
ואין ספק שכל אחד מהחכמים האלה היה דורש טוב לעצמו ומיחס שם המשיח כשמו כי דבי ר’ שילא קראוהו שילה בשם רבם…
Once again, HE DOES NOT WRITE that students should believe their rebbes are Moshiach, and he does not even say that those students did believe as much. (And again, if those talmidim would have believed as much it would NOT have been based on lubavich-like manufactured fictitious characteristics.)
So I suggest that you either put up or shut up. Either show me sources that say what you claim they say, or slink off into the sunset.
Enough of the apikorsishe warping of holy sources in order to justify your ludicrous beliefs.
(Btw I am now ready for you to tell me once again that I don’t know how to open a safer (sic) or understand a piece of gemoro. That seems to be your only defence.)