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Coffee Addict – But you do say RAV Shimon Bar Yochai, RAV Yochanan Ben Zakai, Rav Yehuda HaNasi….

Firstly, it is “Rabon” Shimon bar Yochai and “Rabon” Yochonon ben Zakai and Rebbe or Rabi Yehuda Hanasi.

Second – why the distinctions between rav, rabi, rabon and shmo (no title)?


תוספתא עדיות פ”ג מ”ד (ובמפרשים שם): “גדול מרב – רבי, גדול מרבי – רבן, גדול מרבן – שמו”

Lowest honor was title “Rav”, next was “Rabi”, then “Rabon”, the highest honor was name alone withouit title.