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Out of Towner – “It is also always that the other gadol visited Crown Heights. How come you never see the rebbe saying anything nice about any of Klal Yisroel’s recognized gedolim? And how come he never visited any of them? If it is true that “we see the tremendous respect each of these Gedolim had for each other,” why do we never see the reciprocity?”

Yes, you awaken memories. When Reb Moshe let know he will visit the Lubavitcher Rebbe, one mechutzif actually asked Reb Moshe why should he be going to the Rebbe, let the Rebbe come visit him! Reb Moshe turned in surprise and answered, I am going because I want to go.

Imagine for a minute that gedolim drop by your house. Imagine Reb Chaim shlita knocks on your door tonight to visit you. After he leaves, your neighbor Mrs Yenta comes with taynas to you: How come the gadol came you visit you while you never visited him?!

Is it your “fault” if the gadol decided to visit you?!

The Lubavitcher Rebbe never visited anyone (except a rare shiva call to Satmar and Bobov Rebbes), yet dozens upon dozens of Gedolim of all types visited him.