Reply To: Stealing the Afikomon

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Syag – I just happen to have the knowledge to back up what I say. That makes me different than others that I insult when they claim halachic/Torah positions that are incorrect. By posting misinformation in a public fprum, others are mislead. in such a case, one must not sit idely by and remain silent. There is a chiyuv to point out the mistake and correct it.

When I “insult”, I try to mirror back the concept or words said to me or others. In this case the comment was:
“you realize that every major acharon except the Baal Hatanya poskens that mitzvah habah b’averah is still yotzi b’dieved? Did you accidentally out yourself as a Lubavitcher again? Or, is this all part of your incredibly intricate CR account build?”
the implication that I am Chabad I mirrored back with ” learn Tanya all day”, and the adage “kol haposel b’mumo posel’ – one uses his own fault when faulting others.

likewise refering to Rav shulchan oruch as Baal Hatanya is like refrencing the Mishna Brura as the Chofetz Chaim.

bottom line is that I can cite chapter and verse to back points I raise. Others use their own mind set, sevoras ha’beten and simply if they don’t know of it, it must be wrong. That makes me stand head and shoulder above them, on my “high horse” (if you will), while herding cats.