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Alright I never comment on these threads but the Ivory Tower from which many commentators are coming from on here needs a check. The frum Baltimore Jewish community is vibrant, young and inviting.
1. Due to its proximity to Washington DC, there are plentiful jobs both within the Federal Government and ancillary to it.
2. The cost of living, while high compared to many smaller midwestern communities, is relatively palatable.
3. Schools (Does NOT include all schools):
a. Boys Schools/high schools — Bais HaMedrash & Mesivta of Baltimore, Baltimore Torah School, Cheder Chabad, Mesivta N’eimus HaTorah, Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Talmudical Academy of Baltimore Inc., Torah Institute of Baltimore, Yeshivas Ahavas Torah, Yeshivas Lev Shlomo, Mesivta Kesser Torah
b. Girls Schools/high schools — Bais Yaakov School for Girls, Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore, Cheder Chabad
c. Orthodox community schools — Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, Ohr Chadash Academy
2. Shuls (NOT a comprehensive list)
Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah
Agudath Israel of Baltimore
Arugas HaBosem (Rabbi Taub’s)
Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation
The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel
Agudah of Greenspring / Adath Yeshurun Mogen Abraham
Chabad of Park Heights (Clarks Lane)
Darchei Tzedek
Kehilath B’nai Torah
Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek
Kol Torah
Shearith Israel Congregation/ Glen Avenue Shul
Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Tiferes Yisroel
Beit Yaakov
Ner Tamid Greenspring Valley Synagogue
Ohel Moshe
Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim
Magen David Sephardic Congregation
Ohr HaTorah
Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim
Beth Abraham
Agudath Israel of Baltimore
Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Moses Montefiore – Anshe Emunah Greengate Jewish Center
Ohr Hamizrach
The Shul at the Lubavitch Center
Machzikei Torah (Sternhill’s)