Reply To: NEW TREND: Sending Your Kids To Mesivta In Lakewood That Do Not Have English

Home Forums Controversial Topics NEW TREND: Sending Your Kids To Mesivta In Lakewood That Do Not Have English Reply To: NEW TREND: Sending Your Kids To Mesivta In Lakewood That Do Not Have English

The little I know

Joseph quoted R’ Elchonon Wasserman HY”D: “Kovetz Shiurim II:47: If you must learn books that contain apikursus, it is prohibited … needless to say even to make money or to prevent a loss thereof… If you learn secular studies in order to know a skill to make a living, it is permitted, and it is a Mitzvah. However, this is only in general. But if a person sees that his son wants to learn Torah and he is prepared to be a Gadol B’Torah, in such a case R. Nehuray said: “I will forgo all skills in the world and teach my son only Torah.”

R’ Nehora’i was referring specifically to his son. He was not prescribing this for everyone. This Tanna knew that his son has the capability and the passion to become a scholar, and he stated that he would guide him that way. Not needing our endorsement, that is completely rational, and is not only good for him but for the Klal, as well. What about the father who knows that his son lacks that capability or passion or both? Should he push him to remain in learning? This quote from Reb Elchonon suggests that not.

The dilemma that is faced in threads such as this is the confusion of what is appropriate for an individual and what should be cast as the community standard. And we will never get the massive percentages of full time, career learners that the yeshivos try to boast. Should we push English studies or should we ban them? That’s a community question, not what a specific individual needs.