Reply To: How Much for Mechiras Chametz

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“Which is why I personally appoint more than one Rov to sell my chometz – just in case.”

#1 why isn’t your husband the Rabbi selling the family chometz?
#2 Why would you put multiple rabbis in the position of committing fraud????????????????
Once the first rabbi sells your chometz, the other rabbis are selling something for which their agency is not valid, because the chometz has already been bought by a goy. They could go to jail if the 2nd, 3rd , =4th Goy, etc. demanded delivery of the chometz already sold by Rabbi #1 to Goy #1

What has happened over the generation is not germane today. In this internet world the local rabbi appoints agents to bundle and sell all the chometz entrusted to him by a set time and date. Often it is a Vaad or other rabbinical agency that has a number of people who can complete the sale, even if ione person is not ablke to do so.

My BIL, was a shul Rav. 25 years ago this Pesach he had an unscheduled kidney transplant. He had contracted with the Vaad Ha Ir to sell all chometz for which he was an agent. The Vaad bundled his contracts with all the other shul Rabbis’ contracts in the city and made the sale. If the head Rabbi was ill, one of the others would have completed the transaction.

This is no difference than if I have to make a motions appearance in court on Monday, but I am on trial, one of the other attorneys in my office attends the motions calendar hearing in my stead, the client doesn’t go unrepresented