Reply To: Does Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita prohibit men from shaving their beards?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Does Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita prohibit men from shaving their beards? Reply To: Does Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita prohibit men from shaving their beards?


laskern, do you follow ALL the psokim of the CHasam Sofer? If you do, then I respect you. If you shop around to collect kulos, then you are the definition of a “kal she’ b’kalim” as Reb Ahron Kotler ztzl defined it: One that collects kulas from each posek that offers a kulah. Yidden should have a shitah and follow it. Not hop around (like sukkah hopping) from posek to another.