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Gam Ani Miztarif Umcham, well said!


““The reason it was once common for yeshiva bochurim to shave is because the issur involved was not widely known.””

I doubt the quote is accurate.
Anyone should just search ‘google images’ for “Kollel Kovno” you will clearly see — they all went shaved.

FYI – Kollel Kovno was made up from major Talmidei Chachamim, one of them is Hg’ Rav Aaron Kotler (as seen there shaved). Same when you search “Rav Shneur Kotler” as a yungerman he was cleaned shaved, I doubt Rav Ahron would allowed him to, if its indeed an issue as above.

Same when you search for the ‘Chafetz Chaim”, you will see the Bnei Torah surrounding him were all shaved (I’m referring to the picture of him sitting in front of his house in Radin). Same situation when searching “Rav Baruch Ber” the Talmidim are all shaved.

Asides that, Rav Chaim K Shlita goes by the psak of the Chazon Ish (as with all), whereas, Rav Moshe Feinstein disagreed. so if one goes by Rav Moshe’s psokim, he certainly has Al Mi Lismoch…