Reply To: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro

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Hashgacha Protis

To: Rebbetzingoldpickenstein,

Israel lost a lot more by giving up Sinai then it gained by “friendship” with Egypt.
Israel would have been a very respectful country if it didn’t give away Sinai. It lost lots of
security and loads of petrol by loosing Sinai. If it didn’t give up Sinai it would not have given up
Gaza either. Egypt never became a supporter of Israel in the international field. Perhaps a little
less aggressive. The Rebbe’s point of view was that giving away land is the greatest threat to national security.
He proved his point by the fact that all members of the military said unanimously that from a security point of view it is a very bad idea. Only that from a political point of view they said the politicians thought it is a necessary thing to do to gain international support. It did not gain Israel one iota of international support. On the contrary countries saw that Israel can be pushed around and they started pushing. If Israel did not give away Sinai Israel would have looked a lot stronger in the eyes of the world. Pesters like BDS would not say a word. EU would have respected Israel. Political situation today would be in the very least the same as it is and more likely the political situation would have been a lot better today. There is a lot more to say of course. But lets get this straight the Rebbe had political insite much much better than some of these cloistered Rabbonim without mentioning names that don’t know the difference between supersonic aircraft and horse drawn wagon of the old shtetl. The Rebbe had unparalleled knowledge of Torah, military, political and international affairs than anyone of the gedolim by a long shot.