Reply To: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro

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Rebbitzen: So you are offended by a Chabadnik having “people” [aka OTD Yidden] put on tefillin in the middle of street near dog poop and ervah. Gevalt!! This alone is sufficient to keep Moishiach from coming. However, you note that there are other aspects of the work of the Rebbe’s shiluchim that you admire. Perhaps the solution is for you to ride along in the Mitzvahmobile with a scoop and trash bags so you can clean up the immediate area where a chabadnik might coerce a yid into saying v’tzivanu l’haniach tefillin and in an emergency, use the extra trashbags to cover up any women walking nearby whose neckline is a bit too low.