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🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

One common thread in almost all switched at birth stories is the mother almost always is insisting that this is not her baby and her concerns are not taken seriously. I’ve read several such stories and in pretty much every case the mother knew. One such mother had been protesting for days that she was sent home with the wrong baby and when no one was taking her seriously she started staying quiet and not telling anyone. As her daughter got older and it became more obvious that this child looked nothing like her other children, she was certain that this was someone else’s child and started writing letters to the daughter that was being raised by someone else and putting them in a drawer for when she would eventually hopefully meet her daughter again. She never said anything until her dying day because she didn’t want the daughter she was raising to feel “less than” her other children. Unfortunately the switch wasn’t proven until after the mother’s death.