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Hi, you’ve been asking variations of this question a bit lately. Please help me understand, you ask “What’s wrong with just saying “My cousin lives in Israel”.”
Now obviously there is nothing wrong. You seem upset that it isnt the “frummer” thing to do.
so here is my question
do you care what other people think, ie do you have a desire to conform to arbitrary labels of “frummer” behavior?
If so, then follow them call it shul, call it Erez yisorel. Etc
If you dont care , then who cares , if others consider it not “frummer”?
In short I dont understand caring that other consider it not as frum, but not carign enough to call it Eretz yisorel. Can you please enlighten me
One of my Rebbeim would say its easy to be frummer, it is far harder to be frum.