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If you read my post, my sister attended seminary in Switzerland about 50 years ago. This has nothing to do with the standard German being taught in Swiss schools nowadays (your terminology).
My great Grandmother spoke and taught us High German, our family came from Bavaria. This German is much closer to the Suisserdeutsch than the low German of the north.

Frankfurt does not speak High German. I have been to Germany many times on business, but speak, read and write German so had no problem communicating, same with Austria. I went pursuing reparations claims for relatives and clients. Otherwise I have no desire to set foot in those lands,
I first went to Switzerland about 50 years ago. In Zurich and the north I spoke German, In Geneva I spoke French and in Lugano I spoke Italian. I did not use Yiddish or English.
My father Z”L was fluent in 18 languages and made sure we learned at least 6 or 7.
Currently I am attempting to learn Mandarin Chinese, but am making slow progress