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Yabia Omer

YO most definitely has a Neshama that is Yiddish/Jewish/Yehudit (t, feminine, Neshama is f.). I don’t point things out to create machloket. i do it for collective self-reflection. When one is in a group of similar people there is a constant reinforcing feedback loop. Without outside observation, you’ll just keep doing the same things or intensifying those things that you’re already doing.

I agree with the above posters that in America English is probably the most unifying language, Perhaps a few Yiddish and Hebrew speeches are ok. I would imagine most Sefardim would not be offended at all if there were some speeches in Yiddish. You kind of have to know your audience.

I understand that Tanachic Hebrew and MIH are not identical. But I refer to both as Hebrew.

With all due respect to R’ Yoel of Satmar, he is not the final word on the status of Hebrew. He is entitled to his da’at but it is not binding on all Jews.