Reply To: What would it take for you to move “OOT” ??

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues What would it take for you to move “OOT” ?? Reply To: What would it take for you to move “OOT” ??


I hear what you are saying but I do not know if it is accurate.
Chassidishe seform speak of neitzozos kedusha that need to be gathered up before the Moshiach age.
If so, there is a reason why yidden are living in Europe, Africe, SOuth America and North America. Yidden in these countries need to drain, so to speak, the netzoitzis that are there. Once that occurs, we can all go to E”Y. This concept of netzozos is a very interesting, unique and powerful inspiration that explains galus as we see it. It is a chassidishe concept so you need to consult with chassidishe rabbonim to fully understand what it means.