Reply To: Yiddish at Siyum hashas

Home Forums Bais Medrash Daf Yomi Yiddish at Siyum hashas Reply To: Yiddish at Siyum hashas


“Ubiquitin- Perhaps it is a pointless argument…”

so don’t argue, You asked a question:
“Can anyone explain the objective of having speeches in Yiddish at the siyum hashas for Daf yomi in America?”

you have received several answers:
1) A large percentage of Klal Yisroel, Bnei Torah, Orthodox Jews, speak Yiddish as their first language.
2) Even for those who it isnt their primary language, as several posters have attested, most understand Yiddish
3) Tradition!
4) Furthermore, to many chasidim especially Hungarians there is an issur the first of the takanos michalovityz reads “אסור לדרוש דרשה בלשון אומות העולם”
5) Agudas Yisroel hosts the siyum. At the head of Agudah sit the chassidish Rebbe’s and Litvish Rosh Yeshivas. They believe ( right or wrong) that Yiddish is a holy language.

These are all fantastic answers. If you want an English only event (to be more inclusive of course) start your own.