Reply To: Kosher Restaurant Review Lashon Harah

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Kosher Restaurant Review Lashon Harah Reply To: Kosher Restaurant Review Lashon Harah


Grey Matter: Learning a yiddeshe vert is not going to help you distinguish between objective metrics as to the quality of hashgacha A versus hashgacha B, both of which are presented as”kosher for mehadrim” but certain “mehadrim” won’t even consider B as compared with A (aka those whose hashkafah makes them captive to a particular niche hashgacha supervised by their rebbe etc.). Its rarely as easy as alerting the tzibur that the owner of a restaurant is sneaking in treife chickens through the back door while the mashgiach is awol. However, you seem ambivalent about the appropriateness of informing yidden seeking a special night out for dinner that their hard-earned funds are at risk because that same restaurant serves lousy food, because the rights of the restaurant owner take priority over his customers.