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The details, as I understand them, are that employees currently working for nine months of the year for minimum wage, have been told that 1) their wage will be paid over a twelve month period, and 2) that they will be required to work addition hours at no additional pay.
If so, this will violate at least two laws of the State. The next question is: what to do?
Get in touch with your beit din. It is a hillul hashem to learn justice from gentiles, so outside of violent crimes, which involve pikuach nefesh, we must be very careful how to proceed. I have seen tremendous ahavat Israel from these men, who are known for their Torah insight. If you are concerned that the beit din is small, and that a member of the school board is on the beit din, go to a neighboring beit din, ask for help, and do what they say. These men have true wisdom.