Reply To: A Study in Trolls: Updated

Home Forums Controversial Topics A Study in Trolls: Updated Reply To: A Study in Trolls: Updated

Neville ChaimBerlin

“When it comes to a besulah its also gezel.”

“It’s definately a crime according to Torah, with a reasonable punishment.”
This point has been brought. The reason the argument is still going is because most 21st century thinkers would not consider a monetary penalty “reasonable” for this particular crime (myself included). So, the thread has now turned into trying to find new issurim to glue on to the offence.

“In the Rambam you brought, he has a whole list of crimes and he neglects to bring rape!”
He brings arayos. Why would he parse out each individual thing included in that? And, assuming we’re talking about the same Rambam, it’s not exactly a “whole list.” It’s just the well-known, 3 aveiros over which one should prefer death.