Reply To: What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule?

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule? Reply To: What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule?

Neville ChaimBerlin

“So the great world renowned Posek Rational differs with the Igros Moshe. So kind of you to share your learned teshuva with us, chock full of maareh mekomos and raiyos.”

Actually, the renowned Rational tried to change his stance completely and hoped nobody would notice. He’s now talking about Orthodox communities taking over abandoned Conservative shuls and converting them to Orthodox shuls. Nobody says Conservative shuls have a din of beis avoda zara. His original argument was that Orthodox Jews can daven in active Conservative shuls alongside their kefiradik brethren.