Reply To: What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule?

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule? Reply To: What are any issues with serving a role in Conservative Shule?


There are multiple large Conservative congregations/shuls/temples etc. that have the same bifurcation as the rest of the community on these issues and have attempted to resolve these issues by creating parallel minyanim using different names but generally split along the lines of traditional (with separate seating, full davening and reading the entire parsha rather than the “triennial” short version) versus “egalitarian” with mixed seating and abbreviated davening with more English. They continue to have a common membership, joint social events at the shul, but do not attempt to coerce the other side to adopt or compromise on their preferred style of davening. The traditional minyan will still not meet the requirements of the truly frum but they are certainly the kofrim that some here like to claim.