Reply To: Can a husband bring down his wife (take her farther from Hashem)?

Home Forums Family Matters Can a husband bring down his wife (take her farther from Hashem)? Reply To: Can a husband bring down his wife (take her farther from Hashem)?



But what if a wife, who is not perfect, lifts her husband up to a level much higher than he was before marriage. Without her, he would have likely been keeping on keeping less mitzvot. Is she not helping him even though she’s not perfect?

This example is about a couple that I know. Someone, who learns with this Rav, told me that the husband would be so much higher if only his wife was higher. Based on what I’ve heard, which I admit I don’t know the whole story and wouldn’t be able to judge, since having his wife in his life, he has committed and followed through with major mitzvot (top tenants of living a frum life) that he had no interest in keeping before meeting her.

Do men and Jews in general judge wives more harshly than the men they are married to?

As a woman, it sounds like being a wife comes with significant risks if one’s husband would ever dare veer off the path.

I am not unhinged… I am working on making sense of what I’ve learned.

Thank you