Reply To: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)? Reply To: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)?


“Reb Eliezer”, are you now admitting to also being jackk?!

I didn’t call you an evil person yet, but if you are a socialist then I’m calling you it now.

You’re also a liar. Trump has done nothing at all against immigrants. He has acted, properly, against illegal immigrants, taking them into custody for their crimes, and therefore separating them from their innocent relatives just like any other criminal. Since you have no problem with separating robbers and rapists from their families, why do you object to this?

It is also a lie that Trump “supports the rich by only givihg them a tax cut”, though indeed he should do that. The rich are the ones who pay almost all the taxes. You can’t cut the taxes of someone who doesn’t pay any. And you can’t give a big cut to someone who only pays a tiny amount. The fact is the rich pay far more than their fair share according to halacha. The halacha is clear that a person may be taxed only in proportion to the benefit he will get from that tax. Our progressive tax system violates that law, so the top rates should be cut without any cut to the lower rates; but that’s politically impossible, so it hasn’t been done.

You also lie when you claim “Some are fanatic and don’t allow abortions in any case even when the mother is in danger when a child is a rodaf”. NOBODY of any importance in the pro-life movement is proposing to criminalize abortions in those extremely rare cases where it’s necessary to save the mother’s life. Under even the most radical proposals out there, the defenses of necessity and defense of others would remain available to any such abortionist.