Reply To: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)? Reply To: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)?


@Ben L

Did I say capitalism has failed??

I said in its current form the trend over the past 30 years or so is for the wealth to converge at the very top. It’s only getting worse with time, the wealthy are getting wealthier and the working class of people that can no longer afford the “American Dream” is only growing. And certain socialist policies are needed correct that.

I’ve no idea why you mention the Greek financial collapse. If you’re suggesting it’s all down to “socialism” you’re very wrong.

What I was referring to was the Nordic model. Countries like Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden that afford every individual a certain safety net. Countries that coincidentally are on the top of the list for the happiest countries in the world. (Although how that is measured I’ve no idea).

I’ve no idea why you list those 9 policies as failures. They may not be perfect, but I’m not sure what you’d propose I’m their stead? That millions that can’t work should go homeless and starve?

As for you’re opinion of the NHS, it simply isn’t as bad as you think it is. There’s a huge American healthcare industry that would like you to think it is. But it simply just isn’t.

Same goes for the Yellow Jacket Protests. On the contrary, they were protesting against the tax system that protects the wealthy.