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“Ubi, I think when you say preceding you are making a mistake when It is Dec 4,…”

What is “it” in that sentence? when what is Dec 4?

“Why can’t we say everytime Dec 4 except before a leap year Dec 5”

We can! and we do! I’m just explaining how those dates are derived. But that is absolutely the rule for the 20th and 21st centuries

“and now I don’t care if 2100 is a leap year.”
I’m not sure what you mean, by “don’t care”
in 2099 we will recite it Dec 5th although 2100 isnt a leap year on the Gregorian calendar.

Then going forward the rule will change to: we say everytime Dec 5 except before a leap year Dec 6 until 2200 when the dates will shift to Dec 6/7 nd then 2300 it will be Dec 7/8 in 2500 it will switch Dec 8/9 (note 2400 is a leap year so the dates wont change)

As an aside:
The date is moving forward 3 days in 400 years (or 1 day in 133.333 years). allowed to proceed long enough the start date will be in January then February etc eventually it will be in April. Of course the date of Pesach is moving ahead as well but at a slower rate ~1 day in 217 years (*see below) whih means at some point we will using our current rules we will start vesein tal umatar after Pesach! Of course a sanhedrin will be reestablished long before that, and will no doubt fix this bimheira beyameinu.

*Our calendar assumes 19 years = 235 lunar months. Thus an average Jewish year ((235 x 28-12-793)/19) is 365 days 5 hours 997 chalakim 48 regaim. This is known as tekufas Rav Ada. It equals ~365.2468 days
A tropical year is 365.2422 days
Thus our calendar is moving ahead 0.0046 days relative to the seasons. Which is ` ~1 day in 217 years