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Totally agree with your last statement 🙂
But in regards to what you said that Trump lowered the standard etc..his other “stuff” etc…and so in comparison “us Republicans” may view it as trivial, I don’t agree with that for 2 reasons.
1. His other “stuff” and whether or not he acts “normal” or unethical or stupid etc, those are just personal flaws which don’t raise or lower the bar in regards to our perception of the severity of the legal accusations being presented.
2. Forget about Trump for a second, I would laugh if I heard these accusations being made at ANY former president as a reason to try and impeach them! Impeachment is for Treason or High Crimes! Which aren’t defined explicitly obviously, but to say that this is a high crime is ridiculous.. If he was blackmailing them to withhold information about a criminal act he once did or something, I would have an easier time understanding, but everyone agrees their was something shady going on with Hunter Biden and the prosecution being shut down, etc and had he merely called about asking them to have a transparent investigation to determine what occurred that would have been a completely valid request, so just cause he “might” have hinted to them like “hey, you know we provide you with a huge amount of aid, so you should want to stay favorable in my eyes” their`s no president that I could think opf that we would say wow that’s a High Crime you should be removed from office.
A Presidents entire day is busy talking and negotiating with all different countries and foreign leaders, there`s no president that didn’t have a conversation or call with a foreign leader that you wouldn’t be able to say that he might have implied blah blah blah…Obama had very questionable dealings with Iran and cash payments, the Clintons monetary dealings is a whole other matter, but have you ever heard of anyone implying that hey they should have been impeached over it?
That’s why in my opinion this whole thing is a sham, not because I refuse to believe he did a “quid pro quo” but simply because whether he did or didn’t, going and trying to impeach him over that is saying, if Russia hoax didn’t work, we`ll make something else work…