Reply To: Imp”eeeeeeeee”achment

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“Reb Eliezer sums up the entire Democrat’s argument. ”

No he doesn’t and that isnt the argument.

The argument for impeachment is simple and staright forward. ALL FOUR of the constitutional experts *testified that the alleged crimes are grounds for impeachment. There is ample evidence that said crime was commuted, including his chief of staff publicly admitting it at a press confrence.

You are making the argument AGAINST impeachment which is far harder, ” other presidents were not impeached for similar offenses,” which isn’t much of an argument. Try telling a cop or judge “yes I was speeding but lots of people speed and get away with it, why shouldn’t I”

* including the Republican one who said ““The use of military aid for a quid pro quo to investigate one’s political opponent, if proven, can be an impeachable offense.”