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Reb Eliezer

Parashas Vayeshev

Rashi says that Yaakov Avinu wanted to live in peace. HKBH said. isn’t it enough for tzadikim to have the world to come, they also want this world, so the worry about Josef fell on him. The question is, why does Hashem not want tzadikim to have both worlds?
Explains the Ksav Sofer and the Chanukas Hatorah (Rebbe R’ Heshel) comparing a tzadk and a rasha. For the tzadik, his whole life is a worry that maybe he does not have olam habo, so he constantly improves himself to gain olam habo and the same time since his life is a worry, he loses his olam hazeh. The rasha either he is sure he has olam habo or doesn’r believe in it, so he does nothing improve and thereby he loses it, but he gains olam hazeh as he has no worries. Yaakov Avinu wanted to live now worry free by being sure that he has olam habo, so he had to worry about Josef thereby worrying about his olam habo as he can only have olam habo if all his children stay alive.