Reply To: Snoods VS. Sheitels

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Snoods VS. Sheitels Reply To: Snoods VS. Sheitels


Its absolutely silly to debate here in the abstract what would be the “appropriate” head-covering for a woman or man. As so many posters have noted, it depends on who, where and when. Do what you are comfortable with based on your hashkafah, the “minhag hamokom’, etc. with consideration of the advice you may solicit and receive from your local rav/posek. Even then, there will be occasions where you may want to deviate from your regular “lvush” for out-of-town travel, work meetings, simchas from another side of the tzibur etc. If you are comfortable with yourself, don’t be intimidated by some yenta in Lakewood, or some baal ha’bos in Borough Park.