Reply To: gun control

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” However, look around a vast majority of places with gun control. People get attacked,”
This is not true and has been studiesd over and over.
On the national level, on the state level more gun control (generally) leads to less gun deaths.

Ubiquitin, what you write is not true at all. Further, even if it were true, it’s dishonest to segregate gun deaths from other deaths; dead is dead, and where people are able to defend themselves they are at less risk of being killed. That is a fact.

Requiring private sellers to run a background check on their buyer has one big problem — private people are unable to do that. And the reason is obvious: You would not want anyone to be able to run a check on anyone, at any time, without a good reason. So the background check system is only available to dealers.

If I have a gun to sell, and I find someone to buy it, making me run a check means effectively telling me I can’t sell it. I would have to go find a dealer who is willing to run the check for me, and who will charge me whatever he likes for the service, which adds significantly to the price I have to charge the buyer. And if the check doesn’t come back immediately, what am I supposed to do? I don’t have a store that the buyer can come back to in a few days.

And all of this is completely unnecessary, since the background check system for dealers is a complete failure. Ask yourself why people whose checks come back negative are NEVER prosecuted for attempting to buy a gun illegally? The most obvious reason is that almost ALL negative results are false negatives, so there’s nothing to prosecute.

What most people tell pollsters they want is irrelevant, because most people have no idea what the current law is.