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Reb Eliezer

The RMA in CH’M 242,14 gives two views about a semicha:
1. His rebbi gives him permission to pasken when he is alive, so if the rebbe is not alive anymore, it is unnecessary.
2. It shows he is knowledgeable in gitin and kidushin. I don’t understand this one because he gets tested on Yorei Deah and maybe, Choshen Mishpat but not Even Ezreh. If he does not have semicha, the get and chalitza would not be good, except if people know he is knowledeable and he does not get semicha because of humility.
If it is a question of aguna, there is a place to be lenient. The idea is that if someone does this, he must know what he is doing. The RMA finishes that currently semicha is a means of asking permission to pasken.