Reply To: A rebbe iz Atzmus uMahus vos hot zich areingeshtelt in a guf

Home Forums Controversial Topics A rebbe iz Atzmus uMahus vos hot zich areingeshtelt in a guf Reply To: A rebbe iz Atzmus uMahus vos hot zich areingeshtelt in a guf


Reply to Sish. There are Daf Yomi shiurim at OU shuls, Young Israel Shuls, Sfardi Batei Kessiot, Gerrer, Belz, Vishnitz, in Eretz Yisroel many “hesder” almni, even at many many Satmar- affiliated Shuls… but not at any Chabad shuls that I have been able to find. Please explain to us why Limud Sha”S in conjunction with all of the Torah world, NOT just Agudah is something Chabad unwilling (or unable) to join in. This, all Jews learning Torah together, is “machane Yisroel”. which we simply see Chabad “B’chutz”