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Reb Eliezer

There are three viiews when it comes to night. The Yereim, Rav Eliezer Mimetz, who holds that night coincides with the shkia and ben hashmoshos is 3/4 mil (18 minl) 12 1/2 min before it. Erev shabbos we follow this most stringent view with the most lenient view that a mil is 24 min. The geonim’s view there is a shkia and 12 1/2 min after it is tzeis hakochovim or night. Those who follow this are Rav Moshe Alashkar also known as Gaon Yaakov and the GRA. Finally Tosfas Pesochim (94,1) with the beginning words Rebbi Yehuda telling us the Rabbenu Taam’s view having two shkias. After the first shkia 58 1/2 min ben hashmoshos starts for 12 1/2 min and then another shkia occurs in conjuction with tzeis hakochovim. The follower of this view is the Mechaber SA O’CH 261,2 and the Minchas Kohen. Many follow the GRA and as many follow the Rabbenu Taam. The Baal Hatanye is interesting. In his Shulchan Aruch Harav he paskens like the Raabenu Taam whereas in his siddur, written later, he paskens like the GRA.