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Reb Eliezer

ברכות כד,א

We will discuss whether we can say krias shma infront of married woman’s uncovered hair. The gemora says that hair is erva. In SA 75 MB establishes, in the beginning of the siman, the difference between real erva and hair. Real erva, an uncovered body part of a women, must be covered for davenen. Hair is not real erva. The issur is hirhur (distracting the mind) which can be remedied by either closing the eyes or looking away. Some say that closing the eyes is not enough, therefore, the remedy is looking away.
The Aruch Hashulchon there s’k 7 recognizes a rampant problem of women not covering their hair and that itself is the heter. He cites from the Mordechai in the name of the Ravyeh that when people become accustomed to a bad behavior, it does not affect them anymore. Therefore, hair will not cause hirhur and men can lein krias shma infront of them. The MB’s view is that two wrongs don’t make a right, and the same way biblically they have to cover their hair on the street, so to do they have to cover there hair among men.
Over here, we see that Torah does not seem to accept this ruling, otherwise why cover the hair?
We find by a sotah that her hair is being uncovered to ashame her, so normally her hair is covered.