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Reb Eliezer

ברכות כד,,ב

The Aim Habonim Semecha discusses in great detal about going to Eretz Yisroel.
Before the coming of meshiach, we must build the Beis Hamikdash and on top of that will come the one from fire. This effort should be done in unity by having everyone willing to participate. The Tosfas Yom Tov in Perek 5 of Maaser Sheni mishna 2 quotes the Yerushalmi there. A prove to this is from Nachem. It says there I will be, Hashem says, a wall of fire ‘around it’. Around what? This indicates that the wall of fire will come from above on top of the Beis Hamikdash we build.
The Aim Habonim Samecha says that this redemption will come slowly, so we have to contibute to it by going to Eretz Yisroel whereas the Mihchas Elozor from Munkatch holds that this happens spontaneously, so we must stay in Chutz Laaretz until Meshiach comes. The Aim Habonim Samecha, who happens to be a student of his, says that we are not on the Minchas Elozor’s level to be worthy for a spontaneos redemption, but he will arrive as a poor person riding on a donkey.