Reply To: Purim music…?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Purim music…? Reply To: Purim music…?

The Shady Charedi

Can someone please explain to me… I found the album that #anycard mentioned, on Spotify (I’m assuming I can’t post a link here, so search for “Purim yeshivish Kahana” / “פורים ישיביש כהנא”) .
…Many of the tracks on Spotify seem to be cut off and not play to the proper end of the song. Is that a feature of Spotify? I assumed so (never used Spotify before), but then when I couldn’t find a way to buy or legally download it from Spotify, I found it instead for sale on a different website, which I bought. But the tracks ALSO seem CUT-OFF. Have I been ripped off, or is that just how the actual CD sounds?
