Reply To: Only 3 days left to vote in WZO, hold your nose & do it.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Only 3 days left to vote in WZO, hold your nose & do it. Reply To: Only 3 days left to vote in WZO, hold your nose & do it.


I’m not here to tell anyone which Gadol to follow. I saw a video of Rav Shmuel Fuerst of Chicago (Who a talmid of Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky) stating that Rav Shmuel strongly encourages that we vote & that Rav Gershon said that Rav Shmuel is the final deiah in America. The political situation in E.Y is quite dangerous right now for the Chareidi tzibbur. My point is that there are enough senior manhigei yisroel like Rav Elya Brudny, Rav Shmuel, Rav Asher Weiss, supporting this that a sincerely Frum Yid can proudly take a stand & vote. My hope is that only good comes out of this campaign & that eventually even those opposed to voting will later agree it was right in hindsight. There’s only one day left to vote, please make up your mind either way & decide before it’s too late. Sitting back & doing nothing because your unsure who to follow while the yishuv is in a sakonah is not a responsible response. Ask you Rav or RH”Y & do what’s right for you.