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Reb Eliezer

This idea to notify when one gives something to his friend is to spread good feelings and peace creating unity.
It could be implied in the pasuk in Mishlei (3,27) אל תמנע טוב מבעליו don’t withhold good from its rightful recipient. The person giving something to an other deserves hakoras hatov, good and if he does not know it, he cannot provide it.
The Ohr Hachaim on the pasuk אני ה’ מקדישכם says that through the shabbos we see the greatness of our neshomo that even though how great shabbos is but the neshomo is greater. The Chasam Sofer explains how the neshomo is the greatest. The mishkan was the holiest place but it cannot be built on shabbos, so shabbos is greater than the mishkan. But the protection of live supersedes the holiness of shabbos. Therefore the neshomo is the greatest holiness. I made a kal vochomer, if one takes out the wrong Sefer Torah by mistake we have him find the place rather than put it back because we will say that the Sefer Torah is pasul and the holiness of it only emanates because of a Jew with a neshomo who wrote it, so how much do we have to watch out not to denigrate a Jew who has a neshomo, a chelek elokai mimaal himself.