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Reb Eliezer

שבת כז,ב

The Baal Akedah says that techeles is a middle color the most comfortable to the eyes. Similarly, the Kol Aryeh says that מן are the middle letters of the aleph beis depending if we include the ending letters in the middle or at the end. The middle letter is the 14th. If included then the מ is the middle letter otherwise the נ is the middle letter.

The Ksav Sofer explains that by Korach they put on a taiis completely of the techeles and wanted to know if it requires tzitzis. They wanted to know how Moshe Rabbenu felt about the closeness of the them to Hashem. If someone is very close and loves someone, he does not need a reminder but a picture of him. The techeles is a picture of kavayochel Hashem whereas the tzitzis is a reminder. The reminder is something out of the ordinary, so the picture would not serve as a reminder.

The Chasan Sofer explains the pasuk ונתנו על ציצית הכנף פתיל תכלת And you shall place on the tzitzis a corner, we don’t place a corner on the tzitzis? it should have said ונתנו על הכנף ציצית פתיל תכלת? So he says that the word על means over here ‘because’ as we find על אשר לא עשתה meaning that we should make a corner on the garment because of the kiyum of the mitzva of tzitzis.