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Reb Eliezer

שבת לא,ב

יראת שמים
Why doesn’t it say יראת השם? The Chasan Sofer says that we should see the sky and learn from it. It is made of אש and מים, fire and water. They are able to coexist. Simiarly, we with different minds should learn to coesist. That is why the Torah starts with a beis indicating different people’s understanding but the aseres hadibros with aleph indicatiing unity.
מי שיש בו יראת שמים דבריו נשמעים as mentioned before, he does not have to speak. His yirash shomaim are his words as people trust him that he is telling the trurh and he has their interest on his native mind.
The Klei Yokor explains this is the meaning כל מחלוקת לשם שמים סופו להתקיים as the waters were separated by creation to create the heavens. The arguments should be for the benefit of unity.