Reply To: Emor and Mother`s Day Dvar Torah

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Reb Eliezer

The RMA paskens in SA O’CH 146,4 to stand at the leining of the Torah to remember Kabolas Hatorah as if it happened today. אשר אנכי מצוך היום – בכל יום יהי-ה בעינך כחדשים see it as something new every day. We can find simething new in the Torah every day. The Chasam Sofer explains that the chidushim are hidden in the Torah and through a heveanly help one can reveal it. The Hafloah says that a kashye is a siyata dishmaya. He demonstrates this with a mashel, A simple person is given a diamond. He does not see what he can do with it, so he goes to a goldsmith to cover it in gold. He is no expert, so he leaves some holes around. The simple person sees the gold but the clever one sees the diamond. So Hashem provides us with kashye through it we are able to reveal what is hidden in the Torah.