Reply To: What is EY doing in fighting Covi-19 that NYC can learn from”

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What is EY doing in fighting Covi-19 that NYC can learn from” Reply To: What is EY doing in fighting Covi-19 that NYC can learn from”


YY: There’s nothing “alleged” about it. You can pull up the statistics yourself. Or, to make it easier for you, I already posted them in comment #1861538 of this thread, located about the sixth to last comment on the first page of the thread.

Now, if you start questioning the reliability of any particular official COVID statistics, why are you being selective? Why haven’t you questioned the accuracy of the Israeli statistics or that it is allegedly better than another country’s? Unless you wish to push an agenda rather than facts.

Have you made any posts questioning the propaganda statistics pushes out about China’s COVID statistics by the Communist Party that’s many many magnitudes lower than the real Chinese death rate. Or do you prefer to believe any anti-American drivel the leftist media feeds to your web browser.

Perhaps you can now acknowledge that the US has more robust reporting of statistics than other countries, making other country’s lower numbers less reliable and thus incomparable to the US numbers. As well as that a dense city such as NYC is far far less comparable to Israel than, say, the State of Israel’s next door neighbor Palestine, which is a much better comparison to Israel based on density, population as well as (obviously) geography. NYC is not.

You also have a history of ignoring that on a PER CAPITA basis, which is much more realistic than comparing a country of 300 million+ (US) to a country with just a few million, that the United States has done VERY well compared to many countries. Much better than most of Europe, in fact. France, the UK, Russia, Spain, Italy, Belgium, etc as well as many non-European countries have done FAR worse than the United States. (Thank you President Trump.) Additionally, even within the US, of the top ten worst States, nine out of ten are run by Democrat governors. Coincidence? I think not. America has done well and would have done much better if not for the Democrat states.