Reply To: Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona.

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Bocher from Lkwd

Pony: I know of a quite a few doctors that told rabbanim to open their shuls (with proper precautions) as well as roshei yeshiva that were told by doctors that it is safe to reopen. The notion that there is still a danger by opening shuls and yeshivos makes less and less sense as the days go on and it becomes more and more evident that the virus is practically gone. Hint: How many people can you name that were hospitalized from our community before pesach (Too many) vs. after pesach (virtually zero). I feel that at this point anyone that is still not davening with a minyan etc. is just using the virus as an excuse and has their priorities all messed up (like we heard- they all allow cleaning help in/shop in pizza shops etc.)