Reply To: Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona. Reply To: Lakewood Yeshivos closed because of Murphy not Corona.

Bocher from Lkwd

Nomesora-“Virtually Zero” is a very good way of measuring things. We drive on highways at high speeds etc. because the risk is negligible compared to the alternative. and although many of the things we do in life have some risk factor involved, we take those risks using the seichel hashem gave us. “LIFE IS A SERIES OF CHOICES”. We never have and never will get to a point when there will be absolute safety in reopening schools,yeshivos etc. but at this point i think it is fair to say that for the people in the age group that will be affected the risk is well worth it.